Rugrats: Stu Is Abusive

Well, I have a theory. You're going to hate me for this, and think I'm just pulling it out of my butt, but: Stu is addicted to drugs, he is alcoholic, and most importantly, he is an abusive father to Tommy AND even Angelica.
It all started when DeeDee got pregnant with Tommy. You see, Stu didn't want a kid. Stu wanted to live his life freely, and not around disgusting, dirty, FILTHY kids. DeeDee disagreed, and always told Stu that he'd like the baby the minute he saw its glittering, beautiful eyes.
A few weeks later, DeeDee went to the hospital, and returned with pills. Stu asked what the pills were for, and DeeDee told him it was pain medicine. Stu nodded, and waited until DeeDee fell asleep. He then took her pills, and overdosed. He was tired of his life. He didn't want this kid. To be honest, he didn't want DeeDee! He didn't even want to go near the kid! He doesn't know one think about taking care of kids, or even being a GOOD father! He then saw colors, red, fading into a black, colors falling backwards, it seemed. Or maybe he was just falling backwards? Backwards in time, maybe? Backwards to the day DeeDee and him met, back to times better, when DeeDee wasn't pregnant. When he loved her, her red hair, her glasses, her perfection. Her, period. She was wonderful. She was a free spirit. She was Juliet, he was Romeo. They were the two most unlikely people to love each other, but Stu supposed love goes away fast. Maybe it would come back, and everything would be fine? But it wasn't.
Months passed, and when the baby came, Stu didn't smile. Every single thing he despised about DeeDee, hated about this process, and his cruelty towards himself for loosing interest in DeeDee. It was all in this baby. This baby was Stu's toxin, it made him sick, he couldn't handle the guilt. Pain struck him through the core of his heart, and up to his brain. For some reason, though, he couldn't process anything in his head. As the brain sent him all these emotions, he just stood there, not knowing how to feel. He was clueless, and not to mention miserable. First, he had to put up with DeeDee bickering, and now this dumb baby's tantrums.
After a few weeks of the baby being home, Stu kept to himself in the attic with a canister of beer and a prescription of pain medicine. It didn't help him, the pills, I mean. It kept him calm...and it kept everyone out of his business. Stu would always tell DeeDee he's making a toy, and he'd go off using drugs.
One Day,He Grabbed His Son And Threw It All The Wall. ''THE END''